
Top 5 Reasons Best Daycare Centers Use Live Streaming Camera

The Modern-Day Childcare Industry At A Glance:

Deciding between childcare centers is definitely one of the biggest parts of parenting young children. It’s a huge investment, both financially and for their child’s future. The average US family pays more than $16,000 per year for child care, and 28% of families spend more than $28,000 annually. What’s more, according to

  • One-quarter of parents go into debt paying for the best daycare;

  • 21% ask their families for financial help so their kids can go to high-quality daycare centers;

  • One-third have had to make major budget cuts to cover the high costs of high-quality child care services; and

  • Two-thirds of parents would be willing to pay even more than they already are for daycare centers that are better and/or closer to home.

That last point is especially important: parents aren’t just looking for the most affordable or best daycare nearby. They are looking for the safest daycare centers with the most beneficial programming. So how do people design daycare centers that have what parents want? Installing purpose built live streaming cameras for daycare facilities is one of the best options to do so. Since it not only improves safety, credibility and convenience, but also empowers parents to give better feedback to create better (and ultimately the best) daycare services.

Remote viewing of Live Video Helps Increase Safety & Value

First and foremost, choosing to use cameras for daycare centers’ day-to-day monitoring makes everything a whole lot safer. First, it’s a deter vandalism and other crimes. Second, staff members can use video feeds to see whether and where kids get into trouble in the facility, enabling improvement of safety measures and procedures. Lastly, letting parents access live video can help crowdsource safety and empower parents to give better feedback about what they want from the program. This can make even the best daycare programs better, since having more adults checking in throughout the day maximizes the chances that someone will see and say something about anything unsafe, problematic, or that’s missing or disappointing about the service. In this way, parents’ eyes can be amazing tools for creating the best family child care experience.

Installing Cameras at your Facilities Offers Parents Industry Leading Peace Of Mind

Providing easy access to live video for daycare parents causes a huge increase in their peace of mind. After all, you can’t turn a blind eye to problems if there are always additional eyes on what’s going on, and if you had anything to hide (whether unsafe facilities or inattentive staff), you wouldn’t put up cameras!That’s why 52% of families would be willing to commute farther and pay more to enroll their child(ren) in camera equipped daycare centers. Kids only have so many tools to tell parents whether they’re having the worst or best daycare experience, so parents want to be able to check in to see everything going well. What’s more, parents can use cameras for daycare check-ins more easily than they can call or come in, maximizing their sense of convenience.

Providing Access To Recorded & Live Video For Daycare Services Is Great For The Parent Caregiver Relationship

One of the most challenging aspects of creating the best daycare program is managing parent caregiver relationships individually. It’s not enough to just be friendly with the parents. The only way to ensure you keep kids and their parents happy and keep them coming back is to have a strong relationship with each of them. That’s characterized by comfortable two-way communication. Using cameras for daycare center monitoring is a great strategy for building this relationship, since parents learn to trust caregivers faster when they can see consistently positive everyday interactions with their child. What’s more, having both recorded and live video for daycare parents’ easy access can help foster a collaborative relationship. Caregivers and parents can both use video clips during conversations about kids’ behavior, interactions with other children, and progress towards different developmental milestones.

The Best Childcare Centers Use Security Cameras System To Protect Children & The Company, Equally

Nobody ever wants to see problems in daycare centers, but it’s far better to see them and avoid them than to miss them. Cameras for daycare centers can provide clear record of any problematic behavior by kids as well as by staff members. This is important because kids coming home with unexplained injuries or missing or damaged belongings (or even just coming home with scary stories!) might not be able to explain clearly what happened and who was involved. This can lead to situations where parents misunderstand, children embellish in ways that have really significant consequences, and/or daycare centers overlook problems. Having access to recorded and live video for daycare conflict resolution is an important tool that the best daycare centers use to make sure they know the truth of what happens in their program.

Childcare Centers With Live Video For Parents Gain A Significant Competitive Advantage

Having cameras for monitoring gives even the best programs an additional boost over competitors. A daycare center’s credibility improves just by having cameras, and cameras help ensure that parents are satisfied with the service. That means they’ll be more likely to drive farther to get there, pay more to enroll, continue/return to using it for future children, and recommend the center to their friends.That said, this is only the case if you’re using cameras specifically build for use at childcare facilities, since generic surveillance systems create unexpected issues with privacy. That is why CareCam is the most responsible choice for daycare providers. You can’t promise parents the best and safest service if you don’t invest in the best and safest cameras for your operations.

Read more about how cameras help daycare centers provide stand-out services, or contact us today to get started creating the best daycare program possible!