Peace of Mind for Parents, Transparency for Daycares Real-time Video Streaming for Childcare, Anytime, Anywhere.

Secure, real-time video streaming so parents can stay connected and daycare centers can build trust. Enhance your daycare’s services with our easy-to-use, high-quality live video streaming. Parents can check in on their children anytime, anywhere, while you maintain complete control and privacy. Trusted by daycare centers nationwide.

Advantages for Your Childcare Center

Discover how our service can boost your business by streamlining operations, enhancing parent communication, and providing real-time monitoring, helping you create a more secure and transparent childcare environment.

Increase your childcare enrollment

Enhance daycare and childcare enrollment by implementing a true open-door policy that allows parents to monitor their children anytime through live video feeds. Parents increasingly prefer daycare centers with secure camera systems.

Get An Edge

Get an edge over your competition by offering parents unmatched peace of mind with real-time access to live video feeds of their children. With more parents prioritizing transparency and security, daycare centers equipped with camera monitoring systems stand out as the preferred choice.

Build Trust

Build trust with parents by providing a transparent and secure environment where they can monitor their children anytime. Daycare centers that prioritize openness and safety through live video streaming systems foster stronger relationships with families and stand out as reliable, trusted choices.

Peace of mind for parents

Offer peace of mind for parents by enabling them to stay connected with their children through real-time video streaming. Knowing they can check in at any moment reassures parents, helping them feel confident in their daycare choice.

Watch your daycare from anywhere

Watch your daycare from anywhere with our secure live video streaming service. Stay connected and monitor your child's activities in real-time, no matter where you are, ensuring peace of mind and fostering trust.

High performance Apps

Small, battery efficient native apps are available on iPhone and Android.